An illustration of one of the three semicircular canals of one inner ear and associated structures
Soon I may not be able to hear any evil - well I suppose that is putting a positive slant on it. I seem to be going deaf, well more deaf. It actually feels like the ears are blocked full of something. It's like when you are at an altitude and you need to blow your nose to unblock your ears, but this does not unblock.
Is it part of Tinnitus? One specialist said it sounded like Menieres Disease and said "but that is the least of your worries."
When people, especially my husband, are not talking in my direction I cannot hear what they are saying. I'm not sure if this is because I am lip reading and not knowing it, or because of the pitch of his voice or what?
DIAGRAM: An illustration of one of the three semicircular canals of one inner ear and associated structures from Author United States government from Wikipedia public domain