One of many versions of The Scream, painted in 1893 by Edvard Munch
Well there is a test, or many, if you would like to try one.
The one I did is free and takes about 4 minutes and you get the results straight away and you don't give your name or sign up.
My overall emotional well-being, on a score of 1 to 5, is 3.44 which says I am stressed, almost very stressed.
The Quality of Life Score measures my satisfaction with life, including overall self-esteem, health, friends, family and work. 2.9 extremely stressed.
The Symptom Distress Score which measures my symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility says I am well adjusted - 4 out of 5.
The Level of Functioning scores how well I get along in the community. 3.63 which says I am very stressed.
Apparently, Behavioral Health Concepts, say I would benefit from short-term counseling with a professional counselor and that "proper rest and exercise, relaxation strategies, and religious faith" also contribute to emotional well-being.
What this all says is while I am not my disease it obviously has a big effect on my stress levels because it is the thing in this whole measuring that I can deal with but not "fix" (I have an incurable disease).